One more thing
🎁 One more thing
On the chat window lets add who is sending message we will modify the app bar to include profile image and name
modify chat_screen.dart to accept touser as a AppUser
class ChatScreen extends StatefulWidget {final String? currentUserId;final AppUser toUser;const ChatScreen({this.currentUserId, required this.toUser, Key? key}): super(key: key);
Fix all the references
Create a private function for appbar
AppBar _appbar() {return AppBar(title: Row(children: <Widget>[profileImage(widget.toUser, avatarRadius: 25),SizedBox(width: 10.0),Text(!,style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0,fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,),),],),elevation: 10.0,);}
Update the build method to use the appbar
return Scaffold(appBar: _appbar(),
Code with andrea Discount